Toronto: Part 2, SummerWorks Residency
[ring ring]
ML: Yo. I’m busy.
PB: How’s it going?
ML: I’m running around interviewing all these Torontonians while you are sitting at home doing nothing.
PB: Cool. How’s it going though?
ML: Good. I’ve learned been learning some interesting things, like how to step up my interview game. Sean Evans from the popular Youtube series Hot Ones speaks about how he watches people’s body language closely to see when they’re physically responding to nuggets of ideas or quickly passing topics. It’s not so dissimilar from leading a good rehearsal: coming in with massive amounts of preparation and then preparing to leave it all behind.
PB: That’s really interesting, Milton. But have you learned anything from the interviewees for the sake of developing the Toronto edition of culturecapital?
ML: What? Oh ya. For sure. Anyways. As I was saying. Evans also covers how he spends every waking minute consuming as much as possible about his interviewees before they meet and he doesn’t cut corners, he listens to full podcasts and audiobooks, just at twice the speed. []
PB: If only we could input all the public funding figures at double the speed…maybe you want to do some of them sometime?
ML: I mean…you brought up a good point that it’s our cross to bear if we make mistakes. It’s hard to ask people to jump in on that with us. And I’ve got all these interviews to do.
PB: You’re taking these interviews awfully seriously, eh?
ML: Oh heck yeah.